4 Important Things to Know About Restraining Orders in Orange County

February 12, 2023

Restraining orders, also known as protective orders, are legal documents that are used to protect individuals from harassment, abuse, or threats from another person. In Orange County, restraining orders are issued by the courts and are enforced by law enforcement agencies.

There are several important things to know about restraining orders in Orange County, California, including the types of restraining orders, the process for obtaining a restraining order, and the consequences of violating a restraining order.

Types of Restraining Orders in Orange County

There are several types of restraining orders in California, each designed to protect individuals from different types of harm. Some of the most common types of restraining orders include:

  • Domestic violence restraining orders: These restraining orders are designed to protect individuals who have been victims of domestic violence, including physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.

  • Civil harassment restraining orders: These restraining orders are designed to protect individuals who have been subjected to harassment, threats, or stalking by someone who is not a family member.

  • Elder or dependent adult abuse restraining orders: These restraining orders are designed to protect elderly individuals or dependent adults who have been subjected to abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation.

  • Workplace violence restraining orders: These restraining orders are designed to protect individuals who have been subjected to violence, harassment, or threats in the workplace.

  • Gun Violence Restraining Order: Law enforcement or a family member may file for an order prohibiting you from owning or possessing firearms if you present a significant danger of causing harm. 

The Process for Obtaining a Restraining Order in Orange County

The process for obtaining a restraining order in Orange County involves several steps. First, an individual must complete and file a request for a restraining order with the court. The request must include a detailed description of the abuse, harassment, or threats that the individual has experienced.

Once the request has been filed, a hearing will be scheduled where the individual can present evidence and testimony to support their case. The person who is the subject of the restraining order will also have the opportunity to present their side of the story.

If the judge determines that a restraining order is necessary to protect the individual, they will issue the order and it will be served on the person who is the subject of the order. The person who is the subject of the order must then abide by the terms of the order, which may include restrictions on their ability to contact or be near the individual who requested the order.

The Consequences for Violating a Restraining Order in Orange County

Violating a restraining order in Orange County can result in serious consequences, including criminal charges and jail time. If a person violates the terms of a restraining order, law enforcement can arrest them and they may be charged with a criminal offense.

In addition to criminal charges, individuals who violate restraining orders may also face other penalties, such as fines, community service, and court-ordered classes or counseling.

The Importance of Following the Terms of a Restraining Order

It is important to follow the terms of a restraining order to ensure the safety of the individual who requested the order. Violating a restraining order can result in serious consequences, including criminal charges and jail time.

Additionally, violating a restraining order may also make it more difficult for the individual who requested the order to obtain future restraining orders or to pursue other legal remedies to protect themselves from harm.

Contact Us for Legal Representation in Orange County, CA

If you need to file for a restraining order, or you need to defend against one, then call the Law Offices of John D. Rogers today. Contact us to schedule a free consultation and to speak with an experienced Orange County restraining order attorney.

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