Are There Filing Fees to File for a Restraining Order in Orange County, CA?

February 10, 2023

In California, obtaining a restraining order is a critical step for someone in need to protect themselves and their loved ones. The good news is that there are no filing fees to file for a restraining order in California. This means that anyone, regardless of their financial situation, can obtain a restraining order without having to pay any fees.

Restraining orders are designed to protect victims of domestic violence, stalking, harassment, and elder abuse. These orders prohibit the abuser from contacting, harassing, or threatening the protected person and can also include provisions such as staying away from the victim’s home, workplace, and other designated places.

If you are a victim of domestic violence or abuse, you can file for a restraining order in California by visiting the local courthouse and filling out the necessary forms. These forms are available for free and can also be downloaded from the California courts website. Once the forms are filled out and submitted, a hearing will be scheduled, and the restrained person will be notified of the hearing date and time.

At the hearing, both parties will have the opportunity to present their case and evidence. The judge will then make a decision on whether to grant or deny the restraining order. If the restraining order is granted, it will remain in effect for a specific period, usually for three years.

It is important to note that while there are no filing fees to file for a restraining order in California, there may be other costs associated with obtaining a restraining order, such as transportation to and from the courthouse, the cost of hiring an attorney, or the cost of obtaining a copy of the restraining order.

If you need to file a restraining order against someone, then contact the Law Offices of John D. Rogers today. Call us to schedule a free consultation with an experienced Orange County restraining order attorney. We will help you navigate through this unfamiliar process. Retaining our office can significant influence the outcome of your case in your favor.

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