Dana Point Battery Attorney

January 1, 2019

Have you been arrested or charged with battery in Dana Point? Retaining an experienced Dana Point battery attorney can be one of the most important decisions you make. The Law Offices of John D. Rogers is equipped with the skill and knowledge in fighting against the government in violent crime cases. Over the years, we have developed a reputation as one of Orange Counties premier criminal defense firms and can support our reputation with our history of noteworthy results.

Overview of Battery Charges in Dana Point

Battery is charged under penal code 242 pc making it unlawful to commit an unlawful touching to another. The alleged victim need not receive any physical injury, but a simple rude touching will suffice. However, if the alleged victim suffers great bodily injury, then the crime can elevate into a felony. To be convicted of this offense, the government must prove:

  1. You intended to commit an act; and
  2. The act resulted in unlawful physical contact;

Battery is punishable in the county jail for up to one (1) year and fine not exceeding $1,000. Additionally, the purported victim may apply for restitution for any medical or economic damages received.

Defending Battery Charges in Dana Point

Battery is a very fact specific crime that requires a delicate analysis of the circumstances. It’s important that video evidence be subpoenaed for preservation and all witnesses be questioned. In many instances, the accused was actually reasonably defending themselves or another from harm. Where there is a group of people involved, misidentification of the suspect is unfortunately frequent. Furthermore, the intentional act may have been a sudden reaction not amounting to criminal conduct.

Contact an Experienced Dana Point Battery Attorney

If you have been charged or are under investigation for battery in Dana Point, give us a call to schedule a free confidential consultation with an experienced Dana Point criminal defense attorney. Our office has a history of successfully representing our clients facing violent crime charges. We know that criminal defense is a tactical practice area and we tailor our representation to achieve the best possible result. Contact us today, you have no obligation to retain our office and the consultation is free.

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