Fullerton Murder Attorney

January 1, 2019

Have you been charged or are under investigation for murder or a homicide in Fullerton? Retaining a reputable and experienced Fullerton Murder Attorney may be one of the most important decisions you make. Contact the Law Offices of John D. Rogers today to schedule a free consultation to speak with a lawyer who understands the complexities of California homicide law. Our office prides itself in the history of noteworthy results for our client’s charged with violence crimes. It is imperative that you secure an attorney that will represent your side against the government who holds unlimited resources at their disposal.

newport beach murder defense attorney

Overview of California Murder Laws

Murder is defined under penal code 187(a) pc making illegal for someone to unlawfully kill another person or fetus with malice aforethought. California categorizes murder into degrees – first or second degree. Either degree can carry up to a life sentence if convicted. First degree murder carries a mandated sentence of 25-years to life. Second degree murder carries a mandatory sentence of 15-years to life. Additionally, the prosecutor may allege enhancements which makes the murder even more aggravating and consequently carrying a sentence of life without parole – e.g., murder with special circumstance.

  • Hate Crime Murder
  • Murder of a Law Enforcement Officer
  • Murder with Premeditation and Deliberation
  • Murder Carried Out for the Benefit of a Criminal Street Gang
  • Reckless Indifference to Human Life
  • Felony Murder Rule

Furthermore, the prosecutor can allege murder even if the accused was not the actual killer. Moreover, the government can allege murder through accomplice liability – e.g., providing assistance, or via co-conspirator liability.

Defending Our Clients Charged With Murder/Homicide in Fullerton

When you trust our office to be your murder defense lawyer in Fullerton, you can be certain to obtain the best representation possible. We can effectively examine all the evidence and uncover technicalities in the government’s case. We have a history of take on seemingly incontestable cases and achieve victories on behalf of our client’s charged with murder. To have the best chance of winning your murder case, a competent attorney must:

  • Investigate the crime scene and thoroughly search for evidence in your favor
  • Work diligently to get your charges substantially reduced or dropped entirely
  • Question all witnesses and search for witnesses the police neglected
  • Employ experts to refute the government’s scientific evidence
  • Examine cellular data and GPS to establish your alibi

Contact an Experienced Fullerton Murder Attorney

If you are ready to speak with an experienced and respectful Fullerton murder attorney, contact the Law Offices of John D. Rogers today for a free, no obligation consultation. Murder cases are complex and the law constantly changes. Retaining the right attorney who is has experience and knowledge in California murder law is crucial to deflecting the government’s case. Contact us today, early retention could be the difference of serving a life sentence or having your case dropped altogether.

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