Los Angeles Expungement Attorney

April 22, 2015

Contrary to common belief, California does not have an expungement statute. Instead, California law contains a dismissal statute formally called “Dismissal Pursuant to P.C. 1203.4.” This remedy does not erase or delete the conviction from someone’s record but rather adds a notation on their record that the conviction was dismissed pursuant to P.C. 1203.4.


There are a number of benefits associated with obtaining this remedy. The most common benefit is within the private employment sector. Under this statute, a person is able to legally say they have never been convicted of a criminal offense. Additionally, employers are not permitted to hold an expunged conviction against a prospective employer.

Your criminal record does not expunge on its own. Rather, it requires a formal petition filed with the court. If one is attempting to expunge a DUI conviction for example, one is not statutorily eligible upon successful completion of probation. Instead, the court must determine whether it’s in the interest of justice to grant the expungement.

In order to obtain an expungement, the court will require certain conditions to be satisfied. The most important requirement is that you completed your full probation term. If you violated probation hope is not lost. The chances of your expungement petition being denied increases thus it’s important to retain a skilled expungement lawyer who is familiar with the process and approach to getting the judge to approve your petition. Additionally, if you are still on probation, you may be eligible to terminate your probation early and have your record expunged all within the same hearing.

The general requirements for expunging your criminal record are: 1) successfully complete probation; 2) obeyed all orders from the court; 3) completed all classes / programs; 4) you are not on probation for any offense; 5) you have no pending cases currently against you; 6) the charge did not result in you having to serve a California state prison term; 7) you paid off all your fines and fees.

Los Angeles Expungement Attorney John Rogers offers competitive affordable rates for both felony and misdemeanor convictions. He aims to file a petition within 48 hours after being retained and in most instances, offers a money-back guarantee that if he cannot expunge your conviction, then his office will repay you in full. Furthermore, if you are attempting to expunge a misdemeanor, say DUI, your presence is not required.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

If you suffer from a criminal conviction, contact a Los Angeles Expungement Lawyer at the Law Offices of John D. Rogers. Call (949) 625-4487 for a free confidential consultation concerning your eligibility to expunge your record.

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