Newport Beach Murder Defense Attorney

December 18, 2017

Crimes that involve taking the life of another are the most serious crimes our office handles. A conviction for murder carries life-altering consequences. The minimum punishment for murder carries 15-year to life in prison. The level of exposure increases if certain special allegations are proven. If you are under investigation for murder, it is imperative that you retain an experienced Newport Beach murder defense attorney immediately.

At the Law Offices of John D. Rogers, we have extensive legal experience fighting for clients facing serious felonies such as manslaughter, attempted murder, and murder with special circumstance. We understand the stakes and strive to obtain favorable results. We work aggressively to minimize the penalties or fight your charge(s) in front of the jury.


Defense Investigation into Murder Charges

Conducting an extensive intricate investigation on our client’s behalf is critical to mounting a successful defense to murder charges. Early intervention will allow our office to collect pertinent evidence, question witnesses, and get your side of the story. Additionally, law enforcement’s investigation may not be adequate. Therefore, by retaining our office at the cases initial juncture will allow us to collect evidence before it gets lost, destroyed, or is no longer available. In all serious homicide cases, the following list are some of the investigative tactics we use to defend murder accusations:

  • Forensic Evidence Analysis
  • Search for Additional Witnesses
  • Crime Scene Analysis via Coroner’s Report
  • Obtain all GPS & Cellular Phone Data
  • Criminal Records of All Prosecution Witnesses
  • Photographing the Scene and Adjacent Area
  • Search and Collect Video Surveillance Evidence

Punishment & Sentencing for California Murder

  • Murder with Special Circumstance – Life without Parole or Death
  • Murder with Premeditation & Deliberation – 25-years to Life
  • Murder Committed During the Commission of a Danger Felony – 25-years to Life
  • Murder in the Second-Degree – 15-years to Life

Contact an Experienced Newport Beach Murder Defense Attorney

If you are under investigation for murder, then you need to contact an experienced criminal lawyer immediately. Contact the Law Offices of John D. Rogers to speak with an experienced Newport Beach Murder Defense Attorney. Mr. Rogers has extensive experience in representing clients standing accused of murder and other homicide offenses.

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Office Information
Law Offices of John D. Rogers
4000 MacArthur Blvd., East Tower Suite 615
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Toll Free: (949) 625-4487

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(949) 625-4487
4000 MacArthur Blvd. East Tower Suite 615 Newport Beach, CA 92660

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