R. Kelly Pleads Not Guilty and Denied Bail Pending Trial

July 21, 2019

Kelly has been denied bail by a federal judge after prosecutors claim Kelly is a “danger to young girls.” Kelly, 52, appeared in federal court for his bond hearing shackled at the ankles and wearing an orange jump suit. After the ruling, Kelly will remain in custody pending his trial.

Kelly was charged in Chicago on federal sex trafficking charges, which he has denied. The singer will remain behind bars to face separate charges in New York, where he’s been charged with racketeering, kidnapping, forced labor, and sexual exploitation of a child.

In a bail hearing in Chicago, Assistant U.S. Attorney Angel Krull told the court, “If he was attracted to middle school girls in 1999, then he’s still attracted to middle school girls.” Krull also argued, “That’s who the defendant is and that, your honor, make him a danger today.” She added, “Electronic monitoring can’t stop obstruction of justice, witness tampering…He can entice victims to his own home.”

Prosecutors reported that Kelly has the “unique ability to influence and intimidate witnesses and victims, and that continues to this day.”

Under federal law, Kelly would have to prove that he was not a danger to the public and that Kelly’s lawyer had ultimately failed to do so.

If Kelly is convicted, he will likely spend the rest of his life in prison.

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