Were You Served with a Restraining Order in Irvine, CA?

February 3, 2023

Being served with a restraining order in Irvine, California can be a serious matter. A restraining order, also known as a protective order, is a court-issued document that requires a person to stay away from another person. In California, there are several types of restraining orders, including domestic violence restraining orders, civil harassment restraining orders, elder or dependent adult abuse restraining orders, and workplace violence restraining orders.

If you are served with a restraining order in Irvine, it is important to understand what the order requires of you, what your rights are, and what the consequences of violating the order can be. In this article, we will provide an overview of the restraining order process in Irvine, the different types of restraining orders, and what you can do if you are served with one.

The Restraining Order Process in Irvine, CA

When someone files for a restraining order in Irvine, they must go to the Orange County Superior Court and fill out the appropriate paperwork. The court will then schedule a hearing, usually within a few days, to determine whether the restraining order should be granted. If the person who filed for the order is unable to attend the hearing, they may request that the hearing be rescheduled.

If you are the person against whom the restraining order is filed, you will be served with a copy of the order, either in person or by mail. You are then required to attend the hearing and present your side of the story. If the court grants the restraining order, it will be in effect for a specified period of time, usually up to five years.

Types of Restraining Orders in Irvine, CA

  1. Domestic Violence Restraining Orders: A domestic violence restraining order is a type of restraining order that is used to protect a person from abuse, threats or harassment from a current or former intimate partner.

  2. Civil Harassment Restraining Orders: A civil harassment restraining order is a type of restraining order that is used to protect a person from harassment, stalking or threats from someone who is not a current or former intimate partner.

  3. Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Orders: An elder or dependent adult abuse restraining order is a type of restraining order that is used to protect elders or dependent adults from abuse, neglect, or exploitation by a caregiver or other person.

  4. Workplace Violence Restraining Orders: A workplace violence restraining order is a type of restraining order that is used to protect an employee from threats, harassment, or violence by a coworker or former coworker.

What to Do If You Are Served with a Restraining Order in Irvine, CA

If you are served with a restraining order in Irvine, it is important to take the matter seriously. Violating a restraining order can result in criminal charges, including fines and imprisonment. Here are some steps you can take if you are served with a restraining order:

  1. Read the Order Carefully: Make sure you understand the terms of the restraining order and what it requires of you.

  2. Attend the Hearing: It is important to attend the hearing and present your side of the story. If you are unable to attend the hearing, you may request that it be rescheduled.

  3. Hire an Attorney: Consider hiring an attorney to represent you at the hearing and to help you navigate the legal process.

  4. Comply with the Order: If the court grants the restraining order, it is important to comply with its terms. This may include staying away from the protected person, not contacting them, and surrendering any firearms you may have.

Get Help from an Irvine Restraining Order Attorney Today

If you were served with a restraining order, then give the Law Offices of John D. Rogers a call today. Contact us to schedule a consultation with an experienced Irvine restraining order attorney. We will help navigate you through this unfamiliar process and increase the chances of prevailing at the hearing.

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