Westminster Gang Attorney

January 1, 2019

Have you or a loved one been charged with a gang crime in Westminster? Retaining a respected and experienced Westminster gang attorney could be one of the most important decisions you make. Prosecutors aggressively fight gang crimes and have a specialized unit devoted to ensuring the accused gang member later stands convicted. Thus, it is imperative that you retain a gang crimes defense lawyer who will fight your interests against the government who hold unlimited resources at their disposal. Contact the Law Offices of John D. Rogers today who has experience representing client’s accused of gang offenses in Westminster.

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Gang Activity Charges in Westminster

California law has several ways to prosecute gang activity. First, an individual may be convicted of being an active member of a criminal street gang, also known as “street terrorism.” Second, gang-related crimes subject a person to the possibility of special sentencing enhancements. Per California penal code 186.22, gang activity may be alleged it:

  1. You actively participated in a gang;
  2. You knew that its members engage in a pattern of gang activity;
  3. You willfully promoted, furthered or assisted the gang in felonious conduct.

If the prosecutor alleges a special gang enhancement, the underlying felony will ordinarily elevate to a serious felony making the offense applicable to California’s three strike laws.

Defending Gang Accusations in Westminster

We understand that a conviction for a gang crime or enhancement can carry life altering consequences that will last indefinitely. We strive to achieve noteworthy results against overzealous government prosecutors. Our office has a history of taking on seemingly incontestable evidence against our clients and making jurors doubt the government’s version. When retaining our office you can ensure:

  • Work diligently to substantial reduce or get the charges dropped entirely
  • Question all government witness or search for witness the police neglected
  • Investigate the facts to uncover constitutional technicalities
  • Research the particular gang and their characteristics
  • Employ a defense gang expert to refute the government’s witnesses

We have historically represented client’s charged with serious offenses carrying a life sentence, including:

  • Murder for the Benefit of a Criminal Street Gang
  • Attempted Murder with Gang Enhancements
  • Third Strike Gang Cases

Contact an Experienced Westminster Gang Attorney

Our Westminster gang defense lawyers prepare each case for the possibility of trial. If you desire to fight your charges at trial, you can be confident in our knowledge and tactics we employ to successfully obtain acquittals. Contact the Law Offices of John D. Rogers today to speak with an experienced Westminster gang attorney. Our office provides free confidential consultations with no obligation to retain us. Give us a call to set up a consultation today.

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