How To Check for a Warrant in Newport Beach

August 8, 2016

There are a number of ways to check for an outstanding warrant in Newport Beach. Preliminarily, warrants are issued in felony, misdemeanor, and infraction cases. If a bench warrant is issued, then your driver’s license becomes suspended subjecting you to additional charges in event you’re pulled over by police.

If there’s an outstand warrant, then chances are, there are criminal charges filed against you. With the exception of search warrants, bench & arrest warrants are issued after criminal charges are filed. Moreover, bench warrants are issued when someone fails to appear in court. The only way to recall or remove a warrant from the system, the defendant must appear in court.

To check to see if you have an outstanding warrant, log onto the Orange County Superior Court website. You can input your information and locate your criminal case. The case overview will determine whether a warrant has been issued. Moreover, the overview will state “fugitive”.

Another way to search for a warrant is going to clerk’s office at any courthouse and request that they run your information in their warrant database. Your basic information will suffice – e.g., name, date of birth, or driver’s license number.

Sometimes by calling the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, a phone deputy may run your information for warrants. However, typically they request you come in the station in person before they check. If you come into the station in person and an outstanding warrant is revealed, you will be immediately arrested.

The most official way is to request a formal background report of your criminal record from the California Department of Justice. It will require you to submit a live scan, the payment of approximately $50, and a waiting period of 10 business days. You will receive a formal print out of your criminal record which will also reveal the presence of a warrant.

If you believe there’s an outstanding warrant for your arrests, contact an Newport Beach Criminal Defense Attorney at the Law Offices of John D. Rogers for a free consultation. Our office has methods of searching for outstanding warrants in Newport Beach.

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