Newport Beach Probation Violation Attorney – Free Consultation

August 15, 2016

The court places someone on probation as a means of retaining jurisdiction and enforcing the sentencing obligations. Consequently, failure to perform your obligations may result in a probation violation. If the court finds you in violation, the court may punish you by placing you in jail or adding additional requirements – e.g., community service, community labor, etc.

The punishment for violating probation will largely depend on what the violation is for. Common reasons for violating probation include failing to check in with your probation officer, failure to complete sentencing obligations in a timely manner, failure to pay court fines and/or restitution, or being arrested for another offense.

Probation violations are applicable to both misdemeanor and felony cases. A felony probation violation is far more severe than a violation of misdemeanor probation. In a felony case, the judge could sentence an offender to state prison whereas in a misdemeanor case, a defendant faces county jail time.

Like a right to a jury trial, California offers those who are alleged to violate their probation are entitled to a formal probation violation hearing. The prosecutor must prove by the preponderance of the evidence that a defendant violated the terms of their probation. The admissibility of evidence is more relaxed in these hearings and often the prosecutor proves a violation without ever calling a single witness to testify.

Contact an Experienced Newport Beach Probation Violation Attorney

When facing a probation violation in Newport Beach, there’s no question that you will need to retain an experienced Newport Beach Probation Violation Attorney. Defending these accusations is a combination of experience and strategy in order to ensure our clients don’t suffer unnecessary penalties. Allegations of violation probation may be explainable or incorrect. If you’re undergoing the process of a probation violation, contact the Law Offices of John D. Rogers for a free consultation and speak to a lawyer concerning your rights and defenses.

Related Articles:

Early Termination of Probation
Felony Reduction to Misdemeanor
Criminal Record Sealing
Certificate of Rehabilitation

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Office Information
Law Offices of John D. Rogers
4000 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 615
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Toll Free: (949) 625-4487

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