What is the Punishment for Vehicular Manslaughter? PC 192(c)

January 21, 2023

If convicted of vehicular manslaughter under Penal Code 192(c) in California, the punishment can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case.

In general, vehicular manslaughter is considered a “wobbler” offense, meaning it can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony. If charged as a misdemeanor, the punishment is up to one year in county jail. If charged as a felony, the punishment can be up to four years in state prison.

The prosecution will take into account the specific facts of the case and the defendant’s criminal history when deciding how to charge the case and what sentence to seek. Factors that may influence the prosecution’s decision include the degree of criminal negligence involved, whether the defendant had a prior criminal record, and the specific circumstances of the victim’s death.

Additionally, a conviction for involuntary manslaughter may also result in fines, restitution to the victim’s family, and a possible loss of certain rights and privileges, such as the right to own firearms, voting rights, and the right to hold certain types of professional licenses.

It’s important to note that a conviction of involuntary manslaughter is considered a serious crime, and defendants facing such charges should consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney to understand the possible consequences and to build a strong defense case.

If you’re facing charges of PC 192(c), then call the Law Offices of John D. Rogers today. Contact us to schedule a free consultation with an experienced Orange County criminal defense attorney.

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